Hello 👋

My name is Sarim and
I'm a Growth Marketer
& Product Manager

I am passionate about creating and promoting products that help users achieve more in their personal and professional lives. I am currently looking for new challenges. Drop me an email if you need help. Let's chat.


Theorize. Test. Learn.
Refine. Repeat.

My goal is to use my coding skills, my eye of UI/UX design and my marketing knowledge to help as many people as possible. I have a Bachelors in Engineering and Masters in Business, Entrepreneurship, and Technology. My engineering background coupled with a business degree allows me to perform cross-pollination of ideas when solving complex problems.


A Crowdsourced Proofreading Platform that used a currency of points to help you get feedback on your written work. The more feedback you give, the more points you'll earn.


Got interested?
Want to discuss something?

Don’t hesitate to drop me an email at sarim.haque@uwaterloo.ca or contact me via my social profiles: